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Robyn Muylle–Senior End of Day Risk Analyst              shellpic222

Military Branch: United States Army
Years Served: 2011-2014
Highest pay grade: SPC
MOS: 68-P
Age:  31

Job Description:

Senior End of Day Risk Analyst –I analyze gas and power trading prices and volatilities to ensure our market data is accurate for reporting profit and loss on each day’s trading activities.

How did you get the job?

I attended a job fair at Fort Eustis and met the Shell Military Recruiter.  He saw prior Oil & Gas experience on my resume and encouraged me to apply.

Describe your typical day?

My day is fast-paced and filled with interpreting and validating large amounts of market data.  Trading is a dynamic environment and requires constant vigilance and resilience.

Was there anything that surprised you about the civilian workforce?

I worked in the civilian workforce prior to joining the Army, so I was not expecting any surprises.   However, I had to adapt to no longer being in an organization where the people you work with are also the friends you hang out with after work.  The civilian workforce is lonelier than the military in that aspect.  

What was the biggest transition headache?

Sending all the paperwork back to the Military for the final move was a headache.

What skills did you bring with you?

Learning how to operate as a team, resilience, and leadership are skills the military teaches well, and I use these skills on the job every day.




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